A runaway trolley is seen moving along the tracks. On the tracks are five individuals who cannot get around. A lever lies close to your. If you pull this lever the trolley switches to another set of tracks. But, when you look around, there’s an individual on the other track.
The scenario unfolds and you’ll see five people get killed. If you push the lever, and one person will be killed.
What will you do?
This is just for starters. Trolley Problem, Inc. is a darkly comedic narrative game inspired by real world philosophical writings, in which players are required to make impossible decisions based on two dreadful options. You will need to use your moral compass in order to determine what happens to thousands of people. And then you’ll discover what their experiences are compared to others.
Two-hour, tight wrapped narrative.
* The questions are based on real philosophical articles, that include reference.
Every decision that you make is going to be questioned.
You can compare your selections to other players.
* Twitch Integration – Let your audience guide you in your decisions
Trolley Problem, Inc. is a funny, challenging and uncomfortable comedy video game developed by Samuel Read-Graves, the executive producer of Gang Beasts, is Trolley Problem, Inc.
What do you think you will do?
As reviewed by lol nami porn